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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Sustainability at TasNetworks

6.3 rating for Sustainability, based on 6 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
Being a Tasmanian company, the green state is very important and we are constantly researching innovative and renewable technology to introduce into the network. Additionally, most communications are done via email and not print-outs to limit the paper waste. There are also entire business groups who research ways to lessen our disruption to wildlife. There are a bunch of other initiatives, however I am not the correct person to discuss them and I am not fully around them all.
Graduate, Cambridge, TAS
Looking at reducing carbon emissions everywhere, I have been involved in the electric vehicle project to see the shift from fossil fuel cars to electric vehicles.
Graduate, Hobart
TasNetworks is looking to reduce car travel through Skype meetings and to increase material re-use and recycling.
Graduate, Hobart