Updating Results

RSM Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Mitchell Ferguson

I spent a little bit of time catching up on any emails I received throughout the morning before jumping on LinkedIn to interact with posts, reading articles and catch up on news. My next port of call was insolvency news online and the RSM site to check up on any exciting happenings before I get back to doing work.

6.00 AM

The dreaded time of the day is when my alarm goes off and I must make the decision to either stay in bed or head to the gym. A quick breakfast of toast and coffee (sometimes just coffee) before I head out the door and drive to the train station, if all goes well I'll be in the gym for 7:30 for a 45-minute session before heading into the office grabbing a second coffee on the way in.

8.30 AM

I am at my desk and ready to go before 8:30 and spend a bit of the morning chatting with colleagues or checking my work socials, today we had team meetings followed by a full division meeting at 9:15 to discuss workflow, and notable events and changes in jobs.


10.00 AM

After our meetings I send out an email to let the team know what my capacity for the next few weeks looks like and spend time going through my emails and organising tasks that need to be completed for the day, today I spent time looking through and adjudicating on proof of debt forms sent through by creditors, completing various receipt and payment forms, making a few phone calls, discussing budgets with other staff members and attending a training session with the other grads ran by one of the senior managers.


12.00 PM

Lunch time! The majority of the junior staff usually take lunch together every day and today was no different, everyone went over the road to the food court to grab Korean and Japanese food before heading back to the staff hub to eat, chat and drink a ‘mandatory’ daily Pepsi Max (an office favourite). After I’d eaten, I took a walk around Elizabeth Quay to get some fresh air and relax a bit before heading back into the office to make my last coffee for the day.

1.00 PM

Post lunch I spent a little bit of time catching up on any emails I received throughout the morning before jumping on LinkedIn to interact with posts, reading articles and catch up on news. My next port of call was insolvency news online and the RSM site to check up on any exciting happenings before I get back to doing work.

I spent the next few hours completing some mandatory training which included watching a recorded insolvency law technical session I had missed earlier in the month which fried my brain for the afternoon.

4.30 PM

Around this time, I rechecked my emails, completed any work that needed doing for the day and wrote notes for myself for the following day. Once done I messaged the other grads to discuss what we had done for the day. At around 4:55 I completed my time sheet and left the office at 5pm to walk to the train station with the other grads.
